Monday, August 5, 2019

Here We Go Again

Another rant coming . . .I’m angry ya’ll.  It seems like I just said this and I’m doing it again.  I’m angry at all these mass shootings.  I’m angry that that blame keeps getting passed.  I’m angry that “thoughts and prayers” aren’t the solution.  I’m angry that gun owners are more concerned with keeping their guns . . .BTW . . . no one is coming for your dang guns.  I’m angry that people keep blaming minorities for this terrorism.  These are all angry, young, white men!  I’m sorry . . . did someone pee in your Cheerios?  I’m angry that our government doesn’t do anything.  I’m angry that one “man” is holding up a bunch of bills in the Senate because he has been handed that much power.  I’m angry that one “man” in the White House is fanning the flames of these fires.  I’m angry that four minority women, who stand up for what is right, are belittled, targets of threats of death, abuse, and rape.  I’m angry that racism, sexism, homophobia, are running rampant. I’m angry that a faction of white people have their feelings hurt because they don’t get parades in honor of being white and straight. . . BTW . . . humility is an amazing thing . . . you should try it.  I’m angry that so-called Christians are going along with all this nonsense.  Stop the madness!

I’m angry that people post, “well if I was there, I’m packin’ and I’d have done something about it.”  Newsflash ! You. Wouldn’t. Do. A. Damn. Thing.  Think about it . . . one of the recent shootings was in a Walmart, in Texas.  Everyone in Texas is packin’ heat.  No. One. Did. A. Damn. Thing.  I did see a story about an Army guy who was headed that way and instead took care of a bunch of kids who were scared.  That’s doing something.  Good for him.  If he had been able to get there, he probably would have done something with that military training.

I’m angry that teachers are having to find ways to secure their classrooms.  I’m angry that our children have to learn how to deal with these situations.  I mean seriously, the worst thing we had to prepare for as kids was the random tornado, and even then we didn’t really take it all that seriously.

I’m angry that my friends and family are divided on these topics. I’m angry that I have to worry about my son getting home safely every day.  I’m angry that I have to worry about my momma getting home safely every day.  I’m angry that even at Church, my head is on a swivel to make sure the crazy isn’t coming in to shoot up the congregation.  I’m angry that when I go to work, I have to go through security scanners and have people tell me “never forget 9-11.”  I’m angry that I can’t go to the grocery store without a constant scan of the crowd.

Seriously, people!  We. Have. To. Do. Better.  Stop arguing.  Stop perpetuating the problem. Stop worrying more about your guns than the children who are killed by them. Stop comparing these mass shootings with automobile accidents and other acts of terrorism.  Stop deflecting.  Face the problem and solve it.

BTW . . . yes there are many lives taken by automobile accidents, but you know what?  In order to drive an automobile legally, you have to take lessons and receive a license.  Why do you fight this same requirement for gun ownership?  Take the lessons, do a thorough background check, which does not need to include mental illness and violate HIPAA.  Mental illness is not what is leading to these mass shootings!  A thorough background check should include a look into social media, history of violence, what pictures you keep on your phone, etc. Invasion of privacy?  Ok, a bullet entering the body of a child is also an invasion of privacy.  You have to give to receive.

And seriously . . . why do you need a semi-automatic weapon?  Don’t tell me it is for hunting.  You don’t hunt with this type of weapon . . . at least, not if you’re a good and true hunter. You want to defend your home and property.  You have every right to do so.  I’m not against owning guns.  I’m against owning guns and not being responsible and using them to kill people. Yes-I know.  Criminals will always find a way to obtain illegal weapons.  But that’s not what we are talking about here.  These are “ordinary” people who have purchased or otherwise obtained, e.g., “borrowed mom or dad’s, legal weapons.

People!  We are failing as a country.  Every. Damn. One. Of. Us.  The world is watching and we are failing.  We have become a laughing stock.  No one respects the U.S. anymore.  Our government is a joke and I for one, am not laughing.

So yes, thoughts and prayers are important.  I pray for the end of this violence every day.  But, I’m taking my thoughts and prayers to the voting booth and I’m voting for change.  So should you!

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Love Your Neighbor. Period.

I’m angry, y’all.  I’m angry that our country is going down the toilet.  I’m angry that my Church has to deal with more scandal.  I’m angry that there is still racism in this world.  I’m angry that minorities and women are still treated differently and paid differently. I’m tired of “Christians” treating people horribly.  It’s almost 2019 and we are still doing today the same things that we were doing 60 years ago, 100 years ago, 500 years ago, 2000 years ago, and beyond.

I read the Old Testament and the New Testament and God is trying to get people to do the right thing.  He created us to be better, but he gave us free will, so we aren’t. We aren’t better.  In fact, I would go so far to say we are worse.  He gave us brains, but we don’t use them.  He gave us the knowledge of right and wrong.  He gave us everything and we just push it away.  Ultimately, he gave us his Son, who gave his life for us, to cleanse us from sin, but what are we doing?  We keep sinning.

Now—I’m not trying to make this a religious debate.  But, we need to look at what is right and what is wrong.  Jesus said “love your neighbor.”  He didn’t qualify that with anything, not color, religion, race, creed, geography.  “Love your neighbor.” 

It’s simple really . . . everyone is your neighbor.  The guy next door who cuts his grass at 6:00 am, on Saturday, when you are trying to sleep. The lady the grocery store who is trying to keep her kids in line, when they are all having meltdowns.  The jerk who cut you off on the freeway and then flipped you off, because he thinks he’s right.  The people in the next town, the next state, across the country, the other side of the world.  These people are your neighbors.

The lady who paid for your meal in the drive-thru lane ahead of you.  The guy who helped you pick up all your papers when they went flying from your arms.  The young man who donated his bone marrow and you’ve never even met him, but his donation kept you alive.  The service men and women who leave their families behind so that their families and yours can sleep safely at night.  The villagers in remote locations who welcome with open arms those who can help them to help themselves.  These people are your neighbors.

So, when Jesus said, “Love your neighbor,” these are the people he is talking about.  Is it really that hard?  Maybe, maybe not.  But here’s what is hard.  Love your neighbor . . . your black neighbor, your Muslim neighbor, your female neighbor, your transgender neighbor, your gay neighbor, your redneck neighbor, and yes . . . your terrorist neighbor.  We may not like them, but we must love them.  It’s hard, depending upon your own fears, to love your neighbor.

So, here it is.  I’m angry that so many people don’t love their neighbor that they do horrible things.  I’m angry that you can’t go to the movies, concerts, the park, worship service without worrying that you might just get shot.  I’m angry that when these things happen, the first things that pop up are gun control and religion.  I’m angry that we can’t have a dialogue without spewing vitriol hatred toward each other.  I’m angry that we can’t fix it. And, I’m really angry that it seems to be condoned and even cheered from our country’s “leaders.”

I put leaders in quotes, because I don’t think they are leading.  I’m not just talking about the President and his cronies.  I’m talking about every single person who is supposed to be looking out for the welfare of this country and its citizens.  I’m tired of party lines.  I’m tired of Democrat vs. Republican.  I’m tired of Christian vs. Muslim vs. Jew vs. Atheist.  I’m tired, y’all.

We have to fix it.  I don’t have the answers, but I do know that the answers don’t lie in the rhetoric that is spewed day in and day out on the news, on social media, in the streets. It starts with you and me.  We have to make it better.  We have to take a stand.  We have to make it right. We have to love our neighbors.